Pain and Gain: How I Survived and Triumphed
An Uplifting Story of Thriving after a Traumatic Experience

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In his first riveting book, Pain and Gain: The Untold True Story, Marc Schiller narrated the incredible events behind the movie Pain & Gain, recalling his thirty days of captivity.
Now, Schiller shares how he survived the ordeal, exploring the life lessons he learned during his time in the warehouse and during his recovery. In this uplifting and inspiring book, Schiller discusses the healing of his body, mind, and spirit and tells the story of how he found the strength to thrive.

My newest go-to book for inspiration, April 7, 2013
By Donna Anastasi “Spin the Plate”
This review is from: Pain and Gain: How I Survived and Triumphed (An Uplifting Story of Thriving after a Traumatic Experience) (Kindle Edition)
I re-read March Schiller’s new book this morning. It is a beautiful life guide and beautifully written. Today is the anniversary if a personal tragedy of 30-some years ago, one of those impossible to put into words events and the one more than any other that I’ve shed the most tears over. The words in this book helped me to more easily not dwell in the sorrow piece and more clearly recognize how it has shaped me and taken me on a path I might not otherwise have pursued.
The book begins with the phrase: “Although we believe that we are born and die only once, the truth is that throughout our lives we die and are reborn many times.” So true. I have a friend with whom we’ve always referred to these event-based stages which transformed us as our “different lives.” Whether through tragedy, opportunity or joy, a lifetime well and fully lived is one where we experience many lives. This book is part how-to guide and part inspiration on how to move from tragedy into opportunity for growth and not allow the bad times to define or stifle one’s life.
It begins with the story (without any graphic details) of Schiller’s abduction, torture, and extortion during which time all of his belongings were stolen and once all his assets were spent attempts were made to murder him for his life insurance. The conclusion to this story is nothing short of miraculous. Then the book breaks down how the power we all have through mind, emotions, body and soul can enable us to survive tragedy and experience a self-transformation rather than self-destruction. The book concludes with a chapter on inspirational wisdoms combining all of these facets of self.
This is my newest personal go-to book for inspiration, and I’ve just ordered extra printed copies to give as gifts.
Another Great Book, April 9, 2013
After reading this book I sat back and realized that anyone can do anything if they want to. It comes from within,the words just seemed to jump out of the book and embraced me with courage. Marc Schillers story to most is unbelievable but he found what he needed to get thru it all. This book needs to be read often and kept close as a guide and a reminder to continue to go forward and stay happyish!very inspirational and easy to read,had this book read in no time. Thank You So Much Marc.