“Beautifully written..If I could actually speak to Mr. Marc Schiller, I would like to say, yes you did help change my life for the better by reading your story…at times it has made me laugh, made me angry, and made me happy …I have learned a valuable lesson and that is not to focus on the past of what might have happened to me but learn from those events to make me a better person..I believe everything happens for a reason and Mr. Schilller survived for a great reason. Just by you writing this book I believe has saved countless lives …even if the recent kidnap victims of Cleveland read this book, I believe it would help them in the same very positive way…thank you Mr. Schiller for sharing your story..you sure have placed a lot of things in my life into perspective. God Bless you and everyone else.”
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‘Pain and Gain – The Untold True Story’ is a gripping memoir that tells the true story behind the Paramount film Pain and Gain. Written by the real Sun Gym Gang victim and sole survivor, Marc Schiller, ‘Pain and Gain – The Untold True Story’ will take readers on an adrenaline rush with a uplifting and inspirational ending, A MUST READ!!

In this amazing book he narrates the events that led to his kidnapping and his attempted murder.
It will transport and place you in the warehouse were he was held and give you a unique perspective of the events that transpired during that horrific month and the physical and mental struggles to beat the odds and survive.
Marc chronicles his story in tortuous detail. His humiliation, pain and suffering at the hands of these perverted social misfits and his miraculous survival.
You will understand how and why he survived and that everything can be taken from someone, but one’s spirit and determination to survive can never be.
No one believed his story, not the police or anyone else. Nevertheless, he maintained steadfast and determined to bring the criminals to justice before they struck again.
Truly a harrowing tale and one that not only you won’t soon forget but will uplift and inspire you!!

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Amazon Barnes and Noble Books a Million Indie Bound
Amazon Kindle Barnes and Noble-Nook Smashwords iTunes Kobo Books Pain and Gain: How I Survived and Triumphed
An Uplifting Story of Thriving after a Traumatic Experience
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In his first riveting book, Pain and Gain: The Untold True Story, Marc Schiller narrated the incredible events behind the movie Pain & Gain, recalling his thirty days of captivity.
Now, Schiller shares how he survived the ordeal, exploring the life lessons he learned during his time in the warehouse and during his recovery. In this uplifting and inspiring book, Schiller discusses the healing of his body, mind, and spirit and tells the story of how he found the strength to thrive.